Monday, October 15, 2012

The End

Never wrapped this up properly (didn't even finish the season). The task of writing a LOST blog proved to be too much and I couldn't add more than what you could read elsewhere...

Regardless, LOST is still my favorite television show ever made and gets even better with every watching.

Oceanic 815: we will never forget

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

LIVE Posting: Episode 3.21-Greatest Hits

Last episode before the finale, let's begin...

9:07PM-Good start. Did Desmond have a flash there?...Will Jack's plan work? Will all the survivors be out of the camp so they can blow the whole place up?...Is Juliet bluffing again thus the Others do know that the survivors are expecting them?...

9:16PM-So now we know where the episode title for the finale comes from (it's titled "Through the Looking Glass"). Perhaps that explains the cable in the sand that's been seen twice before (season 1 with Sayid, and a few episodes back when Hurley finds it as part of Desmond's vision)?...How does Desmond know for sure that Charlie must die for rescue?...Will they be able to hide the fuses effectively to where the Others don't suspect?...

9:26PM-Will Charlie make it to the Looking Glass and sacrifice himself for the rescue of the survivors? Does the Looking Glass block cameras from satellites and keep helicopters from reaching the island (like Naomi's)?...So it was Carl in the boat. Why did the Others bump up departure time?...Good to see Bernard and Rose again. How long has it been since we've seen them? I can't remember...

9:38PM-I like this "greatest hits" thing. It's pretty cool. But does this doom Charlie to death now that we've seen his greatest moments in life? Will he somehow escape fate and this cycle?...Can the survivors be successful in their plan against the Others?...Why did Ben move up the departure? I'm assuming that Jacob didn't say anything about that...

9:48PM-Lots of good themes in the flashbacks and in this episode. Sacrificing yourself for friends, living like you were about to die, remembering the good times. I'm really liking this episode despite not much happening. This is a preparation episode for the finale so I didn't have high expectations but they've done a good job with the flashbacks...Wow, Bernard can shoot...It's time for Jack to lead..."Can I go with you cause I'm tired of trekking..." lol...

10:00PM-I wondered why no one would be manning the Looking Glass if it was so crucial. Does this mean Juliet is a liar and does know a lot of people who have been there and she's warned the Others about the survivors' plans?...That was a good moment with Desmond offering himself as a sacrifice. Maybe that is the true meaning of his flashes. Maybe that's his destiny. Will Charlie now die since he changed the destiny?...Charlie didn't die in this episode as I was half-expecting but he's in a difficult situation...Kind of teared up there at the end when Charlie was tearing up...

Great episode tonight. A setup episode but a great setup episode. The greatest hits flashbacks were very good. The themes of the episode were good. And the setup was good. I'm so excited about next week's episode!

If you didn't see the commercial, there will be a LOST "special" (recap) tomorrow with the executive producers after Grey's Anatomy (10/9c approximately) and it will also air before next week's finale at 8/7c.

Next week's episode, Episode 3.22, the finale of season 3 and the final episode of 2007 (Season 4 will begin in 2008), titled "Through the Looking Glass", will air at a special time: 9/8c and will run for two hours.

I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did. Comments? Questions? Comment below.

Observations with HD screenshots will come before next week's finale.

One more episode...

Observations: Episode 3.20-The Man Behind the Curtain

As I said in the live posting post, the digital tower for my ABC affiliate might not have been at full power so I watched via Dish Network and thus will not have screenshots for Episode 3.20, "The Man Behind the Curtain". Just watched the episode again via so I'm ready to go...

1) What killed Ben's mom? Is her death what fueled Ben's desire to help pregnant women on the island?

2) What was with the visions of his mom? Why was Richard not so surprised but more interested? Is that a common occurence?

3) Does Richard not age? Ben said at the beginning "today's my birthday, do you remember those?" kind of like Richard hasn't had a birthday in a long time. Approximately, he should be 30 years older than Ben yet he looks younger than Ben in present time.

4) What were the problems between the Hostiles and Dharma? How did the Hostiles get the deadly gas? Did Ben get it for them? How involved was Ben? We're going to need another flashback for that and to explain Richard since he seems to be indigenous to the island...

5) Even though I don't really like present-time Ben, gotta feel for him with his father issues (a common LOST theme of course).

6) What is Jacob? How did all that work? What was with the painting of the dog? What was in those jars? What did he mean when he asked Locke to help him?

7) Why did Alex say Locke would need a gun? Did she anticipate Ben shooting Locke? Has this happened before? Did one of the Others, perhaps Richard, know of Ben's plan and sent Alex as to not be considered a mole?

8) What happened to Annie? Is she still alive? Did she die in the purge or before? How could Ben kill her?

9) How did Ben overcome his silence? After his meeting with Richard as a kid was he more talkative knowing he would turn out fine and things would be good?

10) Who really is calling the shots as "the man behind the curtain"? Ben said that everyone answers to someone, who does Jacob answer to?

11) Will Locke die? I have my doubts...

Great episode. Enjoyed it in both viewings. Would watch it again, and probably will when it's on DVD.

Any other questions or comments about my questions? Comment below!

Episode 3.21, "Greatest Hits", airs tonight at 10/9c on ABC. It is the last episode before the two-hour season finale which airs next week, May 23, at 9/8c.

There will also be a recap of LOST so far airing tomorrow, Thursday, at around 10/9c after Grey's Anatomy. The same recap will air again at 8/7c next Wednesday before the finale. I suggest that you watch it or record it and watch it later, always a good refresher...

Tonight's episode airs in 6 hours from this writing! Only two episodes left in 2007!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

LIVE Posting: Episode 3.20-The Man Behind the Curtain

The digital tower for my local ABC affiliate is down, no HD screenshots this week...

Time to start!

9:07PM-Interesting first scene. Possibly the same Roger in the van Hurley found a few episodes back? Why were they in the woods? Hiking?...Finally, it's answer time! Can't wait for the origins of the island!...And Ben wasn't on the island all of his life. Possibly right after birth though...

9:16PM-Ben is lying, as Locke said he was, though it was about being on the island all his life. He was part of Dharma. And his dad was the Roger in the van...Was the narrator talking about the smoke monster or other wildlife?...I'm guessing no one likes Mikhail since they let Locke beat him down. That was sweet...Let's go see Jacob, the man behind the curtain!...

9:25PM-Still can't put together how Ben became a part of the Hostiles. Maybe they saved the children?...Are there any Hostiles left in the Others?...Why did Alex give a gun to Locke?...There's no scaring Locke off, he's determined to see Jacob...Getting some good answers so far...

9:36PM-Poor Ben. Seems like all the major characters have father issues, common theme...So that's the little statue looking thing Ben was holding in the beginning of the show...Maybe Ben left the Dharma group angry at his father and hung out with the Hostiles and became accepted...What happened to Annie?...Still don't know where Juliet stands. She seems like she's trying to help the survivors yet she'll probably return to the Others...I guess the Others will be attempting this kidnapping in the season finale...Back to the show...

9:48PM-So Ben wanted to become a Hostile and Richard is considerably older than Ben, though he doesn't look it. I would have guessed that Ben is older...Echoing Locke, "what was that"? I thought Ben was playing mind games but that was really strange. Almost too strange for my liking. I guess there's a certain limit of supernatural that I have for the show. Smoke monster has a possible explanation but Jacob?...

10:00PM-WOW! Is Locke dead?!?! I didn't think he would die before the series' end. Wow. That's a shocker...I suppose Annie died in the purge? How could he let her die? Does he have any good in his heart?...With his father issues I kind of felt bad for him until he annihilated his people. I'm not sure he can be trusted even the Others can't trust him. He'll do whatever it takes to keep him out of the grave even if he has to sacrifice his people again...What did "Jacob" mean when he said "help me"?

Though it raised some huge questions and possibly killed one of my favorites, this was a great episode. Explained some of the island mysteries but raised a huge one with Jacob. Maybe one that will last til the series' end? I'm still stunned that Locke is dead, if he is. Without medical help, he's pretty much a goner...

Wow, still can't believe that. Didn't see that coming.

edit: I forgot that last week they, the writers, did make a point to show that Locke's hand healed fast. Maybe he isn't doomed after all. Maybe that was put in there to show that he will come back. Or maybe he's done.

Next week's episode, Episode 3.21, titled "Greatest Hits", will be the final episode before the sure-to-be-stunning two hour season finale. Looks like we've got three great hours of LOST coming to close the season...Next week, May 16, 10/9c then May 23 at 9/8c to wrap up season 3.

Watch tonight's episode again tomorrow at for free!

Comments, questions, comment!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

LIVE Posting: Episode 3.19-"The Brig"

I'm excited and ready to go. We're in the last month of LOST Season 3...

9:07PM-So these flashbacks are island flashbacks. Those are always fun...Hurley's not so good at looking innocent, lol...Why would Locke want to say goodbye to Kate and not Jack or Sawyer?...How did Cooper get to the island?...Are the Others going back to "Alcatraz"?...

9:17PM-What makes Locke want to kill Ben?...Is the Others' kidnapping of the pregnant women coincide with the week that Ben told Juliet?...Where are the Others camping?...Will Sawyer kill Ben?...

9:31PM-Intense sequence there with Locke and his father. Thought Locke was going to turn around and cut his neck. But alas he didn't...As I originally thought, it's Cooper in "The Brig" instead of Ben. Going into the episode I thought it was Cooper by the description then I thought it may be Ben...Will Sawyer kill him?...How many people trust Jack?...How did they find the bodies of the survivors? Maybe they had decayed enough that they couldn't tell they weren't the actual people on the plane or maybe it's something else...Nice to see Sayid again after a few episodes off...

9:43PM-So there are seeds of dissension in the Others camp too (doubting Ben while the survivors doubt Jack)...Rousseau appeared briefly...Now it's apparent that Cooper/Sawyer is Sawyer's parents' killer...

9:53PM-So Sawyer did Locke's job. Will Locke return to the Others now? How will he keep Sawyer away? I don't think Sawyer will want him to go back...Return of the question posed in the pilot: Where are they?...Onto the final segment, solid episode thus far. Still didn't explain where Cooper came from though...

10:00PM-Locke is on his own now. How long will that last?...What did Juliet and Jack have to say to Kate? That's only going to raise suspicion against him. And with Locke giving Sawyer evidence, Jack's going to be in hot water...Why did the Others give Locke the tape? What good comes of that?...

Good episode tonight. I think next week's will be the great one I was expected. Due to possible spoilers I won't get into why...

To watch tonight's episode again, go to tomorrow morning...

Next week's episode, Episode 3.20, titled "The Man Behind the Curtain", will air at 10/9c next week on ABC...

Observations: Episode 3.18-"D.O.C."


Great episode. Wasn't a simple plot being worked out but threw in some surprises such as Mikhail and Naomi (the girl from the sky) declaring that no one survived the crash of Flight 815.

You can see HD screenshots at the new home of my screen captures, Webshots, or by clicking the thumbnails below (to view full resolution on Webshots, click the Zoom icon, second from the left, below the picture)...

  1. 3x1803How did Mikhail survive and/or come back from the dead? Kate felt his pulse didn't she? Maybe the sonic fence only paralyzes for awhile? Maybe Jacob healed him?

  2. Is Sun doomed to die?

  3. What kind of sample is Juliet getting and what's it for?

  4. What was Naomi really saying? Can we trust what Mikhail said? From what I've read, he didn't translate correctly after his “operation”...She didn't say “thank you”, she said ???

  5. Did the Others, or those above the Others, fake the Flight 815 crash? Is it to prevent people from searching for the island?

  6. Was Mikhail expecting Naomi? Or just looking for whoever fell from the sky?

3x1813As I said, I liked this episode a lot. Not one that I loved but good. I believe next week's will be one I love. I probably should lower my expectations...

Next week's episode, Episode 3.19, titled “The Brig”, will air at 10/9c on Wednesday, May 2. Only three episodes remain before the two hour season finale on May 23.

To watch “D.O.C.” for free, go to

Did I miss something? Get something wrong? Didn't clarify? Comment below!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

LIVE Posting: Episode 3.18-"D.O.C."

Sorry I'm a little late. Had some technical difficulties...

9:16PM-Not gonna lie, I'm kind of tired of Sun-Jin flashbacks. They're interesting but I just don't like them too much. Interesting one here though...Silly Hurley launching the flare...Mikhail?!?!?! Are you kidding me? Is he alive? I thought it might be a moment in the past with Desmond but he has the scars...

9:26PM-Wow, how on earth is Mikhail alive? Perhaps Jacob healed him? Can he save the girl? Will Desmond stick to his word or turn on him and keep him hostage. I'd have to say I'd probably try to keep him and lie...Wow, Juliet was eerie there. Can Sun be saved?...

9:40PM-So did Mikhail save the girl's life? That was quite gruesome...Back to the medical hatch we go. Nice hidden room. I wondered where all that went. Wouldn't be too fun to haul that around the island...I still can't get past how Mikhail is still alive...So is Jae the father? Is Jin the father?...

9:52PM-So Jin is the father but the baby is from the island. Can Sun be saved? Will we see if she'll be saved? I mean we've seen 90 days in 3 seasons, can we get to the end of her pregnancy by season 5? Maybe the last episodes will be a time advancement after rescue or whatever happens?...Can't believe Desmond let him go. Maybe Mikhail will spare him. Maybe Desmond saw a flash and needed Mikhail to vouch for him. Why did Mikhail want the phone? Can it work?

10:00PM-Wow, what a finish. Juliet leaving a message for Ben. I liked her "I hate you" remark after the message...What's the girl talking about? Is it the work of the Others to prove the flight crashed and no one survived so no one would find the island? What will happen if Michael gets out and can prove he survived the crash and that there are other survivors?...

Great episode tonight. Better than I expected. I had some lower expectations just from reading the description and seeing the preview but it was a good episode. I think it's just the beginning of some great season enders. The ends of the seasons always seem to thrill and not disappoint.

Next week's episode, Episode 3.19, titled "The Brig", will air at 10/9c only on ABC...

To watch tonight's episode again for free, go to

Only three episodes + the finale remain...

Comment below...